Advice to be Successful in CHEM 312

The Student Perspective

There are hundreds of students who work their way through CHEM 312 and the lab each year. The advice on this page comes from THEM, not from the faculty teaching the course! Organic Chemistry can seem intimidating, but with hard work, it is a surmountable challenge. If you put effective practices into effect during Week 1, you will set yourself up for success.

Now, for the Advice

  • How to Be Successful
    • Do the Work, don't write stuff from lecture and never look at it again
    • Schedule time to study. Be intentional about having time just to work on 312 on your calendar.
    • Ask Questions. Both in class and during Office Hours.
    • Do Practice Problems. It is really easy to feel like you "get it" during lecture... but then be confused when you look at actual practice. Bring these questions to office hours and work through them together!
    • Go to class and participate. Being an active learner in the classroom will help you identify troubling topics as you are learning them and not hours/days/weeks later in your room.
    • Stay Motivated. Running out of steam in Week 6 is common, take a break to catch your breath but don't give up!
    • Work in Groups. CHEM 312 has a lab component, you are all in this together! Chances are, when you have a question, you can get ahold of a peer a thousand times faster than a faculty member!
  • What Students wish they knew during Week 1
    • Definitely go to class more often
    • Read more and do the worksheets
    • Actually ask for help
    • Make flashcards of everything! Mechanisms, RRPs... everything
    • Start early and stay organized