CHEM 312: Survey of Organic Chemistry

Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry is the study of carbon-based compounds. We begin with discussions centered around understanding different types of Organic Molecules, how we name them, and how the composition of the substance impacts the physical properties.

Reactions of Organic Compounds

With a strong understanding of the structure of Organic molecules, we can begin to learn how to alter the functional groups wihtin a compound through various chemical reactions.

Applications of Organic Chemistry

Many of these structural and reactive properties are central to biological and industrial processes that impact our day-to-day life!

Helpful CHEM 312 Materials

Lab Schedule

CHEM 312 has a coupled lab. Follow the schedule throughout the quarter to stay prepared!

Finding Additional Help

Organic Chemistry is Tough, but most people make it through every quarter... Some even learn to love the subject! Use the resources that we have as a department to be successful! Some sources for tutoring and help will be listed here.

Faculty for 312

There are a number of faculty members within the Chemistry department dedicated to helping students through CHEM 312. If you have questions, feel free to ask during office hours.